Category Archives: Health Tips
Facts about Cord Blood Banking
Cord blood banking has gained in popularity in the last decade or so. There is plenty of information about it online. You can also source the information from your doctor or by contacting a cord blood bank. Too much information, at the same time, can seem overwhelming. So, you can check the facts about cord blood banking here.
There are public and private cord blood banks.
You have a choice between public and private cord blood banks. Storage is free with public banks. But you will also not have the same level of control over the sample as you will have when you choose a private bank. Public banks use the samples for research or to help other families with stem cell matches. So, your cord blood sample may not be available for you if you need it in the future.
If you wish to store cord blood to secure your child’s or family’s health, it is best to opt for a private cord blood bank.
Cord blood banking requires advance planning and enrollment.
You will need to finalize a bank by the end of the second trimester or at least a few weeks before your due date. Look at different banks’ industry experience, accreditations, storage technology, and pricing before choosing one. Not all private cord blood banks are the same. So, take some time to review your options.
Enroll with the bank of your choosing. Once you register, the bank will mail you the collection kit. You may also collect it in person. Inform your doctor about your enrollment.
The collection process is quick.
Cord blood banking is simple and easy. Once your enrollment is complete, you can relax about it. Simply remember to take the collection kit with you to the hospital at the time of your delivery. Hand it over to your doctor. Once the delivery is done, your doctor will collect the cord blood as per the requirements. The process is not only quick but also painless for both the child and the mother.
You, your partner, or a family member will need to inform the bank once the cord blood is collected. The bank will send a trained medical courier to collect the kit and the forms that you will have to fill to send along with it. The medical courier will take the kit to the bank where it will be processed within 24 hours of collecting the cord blood.
The banking process is thorough.
Good banks will separate the stem cells from all the other cells present in the cord blood. The bank will also test the sample to assess the health of the stem cells. Once the testing and processing are complete, the sample is stored using advanced technology such as BioArchive®.
You will receive a report post the storage, which will contain information about the collected blood volume and the number of cells, and their viability. The bank will also provide you with an identity number to help you locate your sample in the future.
Cord blood banking is helpful as the stem cells can be used for treating many diseases.
Cord blood banking is not a frivolous expense. It can secure your child’s future against several diseases and medical conditions. One child’s cord blood can also be used for other family members. It will be a better match in all likelihood than trying to find a matching sample from public banks.
The FDA has approved the use of stem cells present in cord blood to treat about 80 medical conditions. Cord blood can be used to treat several types of cancers, metabolic disorders, immune system conditions, blood disorders, and bone marrow failure syndromes.
Some of the conditions and diseases that are treatable via cord blood stem cells are reticular dysplasia, DiGeorge syndrome, Hurler syndrome, Hunter syndrome, red cell aplasia, Omenn’s syndrome, juvenile dermatomyositis, sickle-cell anemia, β-thalassemia intermedia, Cooley’s anemia, HbSC disease, neuroblastoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, Burkitt’s lymphoma, acute myeloid leukemia, and many more.
Cord blood has proven to be an extremely useful regenerative medicine. Clinical trials are ongoing to see the viability of cord blood stem cells for treating several more diseases.
All You Need to Know About Liquid Kratom Shots

What is Kratom?
These bunches of yellow roses that hang off their stem and can undoubtedly reach up to 13 meters in stature are a claim to fame of the Southeast Asian landmass. Kratom, experimentally known as Mitragyna speciosa, is found in the wild of zones in the Pacific Rim. This tropical plant has been utilized customarily for quite a long time however its notoriety has begun reemerging as of late in the 21st century particularly since it’s announced legitimate in the US. The most widely recognized extraction cycle of this plant included culling the leaves and drying them, later to pounded into powder and utilized in tea.
Liquid Kratom is a more thought type of Kratom, which is refined straightforwardly from leaves or Kratom powder. It isn’t close to as famous as powder Kratom strains or Kratom cases, however, it has procured its place among the Kratom people group. Here is one trick. The business vendors make liquid Kratom in labs utilizing lab hardware, so it is more costly than different structures. In any case, individuals utilize less difficult strategies to make liquid Kratom themselves.
What is Liquid Kratom?
Liquid Kratom is a liquid produced using Kratom that is removed from powder or leaves and frequently blended in with added substances. As it doesn’t come from a solitary source, it can generally shift contingent upon the sort of Kratom utilized (Kratom strains), added substances included intensity (vein tone), and so forth The liquid comprises of numerous leaves that make a concentrated concentrate, and it requires significantly more exertion than simply pounding leaves into powder. Subsequently, a few sorts of concentrates require more exertion, and lab hardware to consummate and the segments can shift from vender to dealer. It additionally implies that they are more strong than powder or leaves. The organizations ordinarily notice the quality in numbers, for example, 2x, 10x, and so forth.
Individuals make more basic sorts of liquid Kratom at home by soaking the leaves in the liquid. Some Kratom aficionados lean toward purchasing pre-bundled liquid Kratom as it’s more helpful to get. Notwithstanding, the individuals who need unadulterated concentrate with no added substances may be baffled by the prepacked items.
For what reason Should You Go For Liquid Kratom?
• In the event that you are using kratom, you most likely disdain biting on the leaves. Either that or you view it as an excessive amount to take kratom powder by the throw and wash technique or utilizing the powder to make tea or shakes.
• In the event that this is you and you love the impacts of kratom, at that point liquid kratom is your common arrangement.
• Liquid kratom shots are amazingly simple to utilize. The high caliber of kratom leaves utilized in making this concentrate gives clients speedy impacts which keep going for more.
Impacts Produced By Liquid Kratom
The impacts rely upon the strain of kratom you use in the concentrate. These may include:
• Analgesia Liquid kratom shots removes act to alleviate torment. This impact can be solid since the alkaloids in liquid kratom are generally thought. So in case you’re experiencing difficult strategies or have wounds and injuries, liquid kratom can help dispose of the agony.
• Euphoria-Liquid kratom produces a condition of prosperity. The impacts can be extremely solid yet it doesn’t keep going for long and sooner you can get into an exceptionally loosened-up state.
• Stimulation-Liquid kratom produces incitement simply like kratom powder. The force is anyway higher for liquid kratom.
• Sedation-High portions of liquid kratom cause sedation. This impact is especially useful to individuals who experience difficulty resting.
• Relaxation-Liquid kratom causes unwinding that stays for as long as 6 hours. This can be helpful in the event that you have to zero in on an errand without getting worried over it.
Liquid Kratom Shots removes are accessible in glass bottles. These shift however the standard size is typically 15ml. The item is burned-through by means of a dropper.
In the event that you’d prefer to utilize liquid kratom, start by utilizing a large portion of a dropper. You can build the measurements on the off chance that you don’t encounter any impacts.
Boost Your Body’s Health and Performance with Adaptogens

The modern-day world of health and wellness is a complicated one, with so many products and super-ingredients appearing on the market. Amazon Adaptogens are one of them – these herbs have been gaining quite a bit of attention over the last few years for their medicinal qualities, even though they’ve been used for thousands of years in both Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. So, what’s the recent hype about?
What are Adaptogens
Amazon Adaptogens are a select group of non-toxic herbs and roots that come from plants, and some mushrooms. They are believed to having healing properties that support the body’s natural ability to deal with stress and slow signs of aging. The term adaptogens is used because of their ability to “adapt” their function according to the specific needs of the body – be it physical, chemical, or biological. These adaptogen-containing plants are ground into powders for use in smoothies, coffees, teas, tonics, supplements, and herbal drinks. Some adaptogens, like turmeric or holy basil leaves can be used as seasoning on foods.
What do Adaptogens do?
Amazon Adaptogens made their way into the west during World War II as scientists began looking for a “super pill” to help healthy pilots fly better, faster, and for longer periods of time. The Soviet Union published military studies about a stimulant called Schisandra Chinensis – berries that were eaten by Nanai hunters to reduce thirst, hunger, and exhaustion and to improve night vision. However, adaptogens are not a new discovery; they have been used for thousands of years in Eastern cultures and medicine.
Amazon Adaptogens provide many health benefits to the body. They aid in strengthening immune systems, decreasing inflammation, and in some cases, in increasing fertility. But they are most popular for the work they do at a molecular level to counteract the effects of stress, a physiological condition linked with various disorders, in the body. A number of clinical trials demonstrate that Amazon Adaptogens produce an anti-fatigue effect against stress and fatigue to help increase mental focus and enhance attention, as well as to regulate homeostasis in the body, which is linked to the regulation of key mediators associated with stress responses.
Typically, the body goes through three phases when under stress: the alarm phase, phase of resistance, and phase of exhaustion. As the body begins to enter the stress cycle, it responds by increasing hormones, like adrenaline, to improve muscle performance and concentration. However, as the cycle of stress ends, the body enters the exhaustion phase and begins “crashing”. Amazon Adaptogens help by increasing the phase of resistance, allowing energy and focus to continue for longer.
Most Common Amazon Adaptogens:
Ashwagandha, to lower blood sugar, reduce stress and anxiety, and support brain function.
Astragalus, to boost immune-systems and temporarily reduce cortisol levels, aiding in stress relief.
Chaga mushrooms, filled with antioxidants to boost immune systems, fight oxidative stress, and inflammation. It may even help prevent certain types of cancer, but more research is needed.
Cordyceps, another healing mushroom known for energy-boosting by increasing stamina and fighting fatigue. It is also known to strengthen the immune system and is quite popular amongst professional athletes.
Tulsi, also known as holy basil, or the ‘elixir of life,’ has a peppery taste and can be used directly in cooking dishes, stir-fries, or soups. Studies suggest that tulsi reduces blood glucose, metabolic syndrome, and psychological stress.
Maca root is traditionally used to increase libido, and enhance fertility and reproductive health.
Reishi, another type of mushroom that is used to calm nerves and manage blood sugar.
Turmeric, which has been used for thousands of years in Southeast Asia, is a prominent spice used in religious ceremonies and cooking. It is believed to improve brain function and reduce inflammation.
Ginger has also been used for thousands of years in India and China. It is traditionally known for its anti-microbial, warming properties, which aid in digestion and relieve nausea.
Do Adaptogens really work?
Although more research is needed, studies conducted on Amazon Adaptogens thus far prove they do impact the body. Adaptogen containing plants and mushrooms interact with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathoadrenal system, both involved in the body’s response to stress, by tweaking hormone production, and therefore, the body’s physiological response to stress. This ensures the body, from mind to immune system, functions normally.
However, Amazon Adaptogens can have side effects, although limited. Some herbal supplements can interact negatively with prescription medications, so this should be disclosed to a doctor before anyone begins incorporating adaptogens into their diet. Like any plant, they can also cause allergenic or gastrointestinal distress.
Pros And Cons Of Cord Blood Storage Or Cord Blood Banking
After a baby is born, a small amount of blood is left in the umbilical cord that remains attached to the placenta. The placenta is a vascular organ that helps your baby to nourish during pregnancy. It contains stem cells that you can store in a cord blood storage for free or donate it for free, depending on where you give birth.
Here a few pros and cons of cord blood storage or cord blood banking.
Pros Of Cord Blood Storage
Umbilical cord blood saves lives
The cord blood is rich in stem cells that can change into all sorts of a blood cell. These blood cells can help treat a disease that harms the blood and immune system, such as leukemia, cancers, sickle-cell anemia, a metabolic disorder, etc. Cord blood storage can help patients match blood cells during transplant, as gathered during birth from the umbilical cord.
A successful procedure
The outcome of cord blood transplant has improved over the decades. Researchers have learned more about dosing cord blood, choosing better matches, and giving patients better support during the transplant procedure.
Cord blood promises for future medical procedures.
There are still study and research going on to treat more disease with cord blood. Trials are still underway to treat several diseases for which doctors may use cord blood as an option.
Easy access to your cord blood
Easy access to the child’s cord blood is possible if you pay to store your cord blood. The blood is stored for your own family, and no one else can access or use it. Even the private or public blood banks don’t use your stored cord blood for other families or donate to research. However, if you want to donate it to your loved ones, it will be available if a family needs it.
Cons Of Cord Blood Banking
Your child may need it.
Stem cell-rich cord blood is mainly used to treat a range of diseases, particularly if the child have a history of diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, or sickle cell anemia. Although cord blood has shown significant results in successfully treating specific conditions, there isn’t strong evidence to support cord blood banking. If your family does choose cord blood banking, you may go for a public or private one as per your need.
Cord blood can’t be used in a few cases.
If your child is born with a genetic disorder like, muscular dystrophy or spina bifida, then the stem cells in the cord blood aren’t useful to others. But in a few cases, the cord blood donor is healthy; then, it is a good match for a sibling or another family member who has a genetic condition.
Cord Blood is discarded
A few banks with stored cord blood are mainly used to treat sick children or used for research. However, in private cord blood banks, throw away blood that a family no longer wants to store.
Public Vs. Private Cord Blood Banking
Private cord blood banks store cord blood for the family’s use and charge a yearly fee for storage. There is an initial processing fee for the first year of freezing. However, do the research of yours on your bank: Discover precisely how long it’s in this business, what kinds of standards it meets and accreditations it’s, how many cord blood they have released, and storage fee. Whether they’re fixed and search around to see if they have had any negative feedback, additionally, ask about the storage facility and criteria, and how a lot of those cells usually survive.
Anyone can use cord blood in public, and then it is anonymized, and a match is, so no one knows the donor’s identity. You can donate your baby’s cord blood for no cost to the Cord Blood Bank. Both private and public cord blood banks that process and store cord blood for allogeneic use.
When is the Right Time to Do Immune Cell Banking?
Immune cell banking has become the talk of the era, and many of the present-day educated class are coming forward to store their healthy cells in private cell banking companies. However, many people have serious doubts as regards the age when they should opt for the same. Without any doubt, the best time for the extraction and storing of the immune cells is when the related person is comparatively young, and the body-metabolism is perfect. This is the pragmatic way to make sure that the cells that you prefer to keep in the immune cell bank stay healthy for a very long period.
The idea behind the cell banking system is to preserve the immune cells when the overall body mechanism is perfectly fit for using the same for solving the critical medical conditions that may occur at a later phase in one’s life. Practically, when the immune cells are young, they will be naturally energetic and healthful. Such cells will have more healthy T cells that the cells of an old or sick human body. Consequently, it is only sensible to preserve the immune cells when the related individual is healthy and young. So it is practically sensible to opt for the immune cell banking when you are young and healthy. That said, if you come from a family that has a history of getting fatal diseases like cancer, there is a possibility that you may also fall as a prey to the same sickness. It’s a fact that one’s immune system will grow moldy as age increases, and this will cut down the levels of B cells and T cells in the bone marrow and thymus, which is the specific lymphoid organ, the integral part of the immune system. Similarly, the function of the developed lymphocytes found in the secondary lymphoid tissues will decrease. Another main benefit of storing the immune cells at an early age is that the immune system will be damaged when one gets dangerous diseases like cancer. The cancer treatment methods like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc., will damage the immune cells. Hence, it is only sensible to opt for the immune cell storage system at an early age before you get any disease symptoms.
In general, there are two options available for the immune cell banking; either you can choose the single plan or a plan that will include your spouse. It will be financially beneficial to opt for the joint plan as many of the top cell banking companies offer the same at discounted prices. The entailed process of this immune cell storing system is not at all complicated; it is more or less the same as donating your blood. The collection process of blood will be intravenous. Then this blood will undergo the processing treatment; this is to isolate the PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells). These cells hold the immune cells. The next process is the storing of the collected immune cells; the storage will be at (-196) degree Celsius. This storage arrangement is perfect, and the cells will remain without any change in the constitution for a very, very long period.
Immune Cell Storing Method Must be Flawless
The collected immune cells must stay precisely perfect, and only then they will become fit for treating diseases. The cells must not damage or lose their inherent power. The technology applied must be precisely in sync with the rules and standards of cGMP. Hence, while selecting a private cell bank, one must be watchful and avoid potential problems. You must count the experience, educational background, and the overall popularity of the management. The company must have the best automated immune cell banking system, which has the incorporation of the state of the art storage technology. In short, it should be the most professionally managed company. The company must have a global outlook and network. You must check the credentials of the top management personnel as this is the practical way to assess the professional expertise. The most senior managers must have adequate experience in life science, pharmaceutical, and stem cell banking arena. They must have high qualifications in immunology. The best bet to find such a leading cell banking company is to search through the internet.
How to Choose a Cord Blood Bank
When it comes to choosing a cord blood bank; you cannot take the decision lightly. You need to ensure that the cord blood bank you choose is perfect for your requirements in every way. The company also needs to have all the licenses and accreditations in place for storing cord blood.
Consider these tips to choose the right cord blood bank.
Check websites of the best cord blood banks.
Begin your search by checking the websites of cord blood banks in your area. You can search online to find websites and more information about the companies.
Business websites are great resources for finding information about companies and service providers. When looking for a good cord blood bank, pay attention to the following –
Extensive experience – The bank you choose must have a good amount of operational experience in the field. Some companies have international operations too. If you find cord blood banks with two decades or so of operational experience then definitely find out more about their services.
World-class facilities – Needless to say, the cord blood bank you choose must be equipped with exceptional and world-class facilities. Storing cord blood requires specialized equipment and automated cord blood storage technology. So, the company you choose needs to stand out when it comes to the storage technology it employs.
If you find a company that uses the Smart Robotic Storage Tank (BioArchive) as its storage technology, then ensure that you find out more about it. It also works in the company’s favor if they own their storage facility.
Trained professionals – Cord blood banking is not possible without trained professionals; be it doctors, researchers, or technicians. Check the website for details about their personnel. If you don’t find the information on the website, ensure that you seek it out during your initial meeting with each company you choose to visit.
Highest standards – Cord blood banking is precise and delicate work. There is no scope for errors in this line of work. Contamination, incorrect labeling, or any other mishap can completely undermine your efforts to preserve your children’s cord blood. So, it is important to choose only the best cord blood banks even for your initial consultations.
Tailor-made plans – The best cord blood banks have different types of plans to suit varied requirements and budgets. Cookie-cutter plans are not suitable for all and may not offer you the full benefits of storing your children’s cord blood bank.
Upfront pricing information – Trusted companies will offer details about their price points clearly on their websites. They will also include a list of the benefits you get when you choose them or what you get for the amount you spend in storing cord blood with them.
In case you don’t find pricing information on the website, email or call the company for more information. Reliable companies will not hesitate to provide you with upfront pricing for their services.
Accreditations – The cord blood bank you choose must be registered with the FDA. It should also have the license to operate in the state/s where it has operations. It should follow the standards set by the state for work involving cord blood banking. If the company is also into cell therapy research, it should follow the regulations as per the state’s laws.
Look for other benefits.
Once you have identified a good company based on the above considerations, check what other benefits you get when you choose it for storing cord blood.
No cancellation fee – Most cord blood banks will charge a cancellation fee, which can be steep. It is good to have the option to cancel the services without paying anything for it
Research program – It definitely helps if the company you choose invests in cell therapy research programs. It is rather useful to find a cord blood bank that prioritizes research to further their services and work, and offer the benefits to their existing and prospective clients.
Other types of banking services – It can be rather easier to have one company for storing immune cells and cord tissues.
When it comes to choosing the best cord blood bank, opt for a company with the highest standards possible.
All You Need to Know About Silver Sneakers
Silver Sneakers is a fitness and wellness program for seniors aged 65 and above. It provides access to gym memberships, weight training, aerobics, and group exercise classes.
The Silver Sneakers program is included in many Medicare Advantage Plans. It is available in over 16,000 gyms and fitness centers across the US. You can search the internet for Silver Sneakers San Antonio Texas to find one such gym near you.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that physical activity such as what Silver Sneakers facilitates can prevent many of the health problems that come with age.
Physical exercise can also help you maintain mobility, lift your mood, and make performing your day to day activities easier.
Why is it called Silver Sneakers?
Silver Sneakers does not sell shoes, silver or otherwise to anyone. It also doesn’t give you a free pair of sneakers when you become a member.
The term ‘Silver Sneakers’ may have been derived from the hair color of Silver Sneaker participants plus the shoes they wear while participating.
Who can enroll in Silver Sneakers?
The program is designed for people aged 65 and above.
Original Medicare Part A and Part B do not offer Silver Sneakers. Having a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare supplement plan that includes Silver Sneakers is the only way to participate in the program.
What does Silver Sneakers membership include?
Silver Sneakers membership includes access to over 16,000 fitness locations nationwide at no added cost.
Exercise Equipment that you can have access to include:
Weight Equipment
Exercise Bikes
Elliptical Machines
Swimming Pools
Silver Sneakers San Antonio Texas does not only provide its beneficiaries gym membership but also fitness classes and community support. The program is probably best known for its group exercise classes run by qualified instructors.
What kind of fitness classes do Silver Sneakers offer?
The Silver Sneakers program offers over 70 types of fitness classes and each class is run by a certified instructor. Here are some popular classes:
Silver Sneakers Yoga
In this class, you can practice a complete set of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is provided to safely perform a variety of postures designed to improve flexibility, balance, and range of movements.
Restorative breathing exercises and the final relaxation period will reduce stress and help attain mental clarity.
Silver Sneakers Classic
This class adapts to your fitness level. Exercises are modified according to your ability to perform them. A chair is used for your support if you need it. Participants use hand-held weights, rubber tubing with handles, and a ball.
The objective is to strengthen the muscles and increase the range of movements so that you can perform daily activities better.
Silver Sneakers Cardio Fit
This is an aerobics class that is safe, healthy for the heart, and gentle on the joints. It includes upper body strengthening, abdominal conditioning, stretching, and relaxation exercises designed to energize your active lifestyle.
Silver Sneakers Circuit
This class has a choreographed routine set with music that incorporates movement with standing exercises using rubber tubing and dumbbells. Exercises can be adapted to suit your fitness level. Chairs are available for support during exercises.
Silver Sneakers Splash
This is a low impact aerobic class which is arranged in a shallow pool where the participants can stand. The certified instructor walks the class through a series of movements whose intensity can be varied according to the fitness of the participants.
Silver Sneakers Stability
This class has been designed to help you improve your balance and also to make you stronger. The movements taught in class focus on strengthening the ankles, knees, and the hip joint to help normal movement.
Also, there are exercises to help improve reaction time.
What if you don’t want to go to a gym?
Most gyms are closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, you may not want to go to the gym. In such a scenario you can exercise at home with Silver Sneakers On-demand online video workouts. Only thing is that you have to be a beneficiary. You can also access the Silver Sneakers Go app.
For Silver Sneakers San Antonio Texas, you should call a carrier that offers Medicare Advantage plans that include the program. Stay young and live long.
Few Qualities You Need to Know Before Purchasing N95 in Bulk

The sudden rise in the demand for N95 masks has given rise to counterfeit and spurious products being sold in the market. Just having N95 written on the mask does not authenticate the product. Here are a few qualities you need to know before going ahead with N95 mask bulk purchase.
Types of N95 masks
There are two types of N95 masks- Standard N95 respirators and Surgical N95 respirators. They are quite similar in appearance but their function differentiates them. A comparison between two can give you a clear idea about both N95 masks.
Understand the difference between Standard N95 respirators and Surgical N95 masks
Standard N95 Masks
The primary difference between both N95 masks is their fluid resistance capabilities. Health workers involved in patient intake and non-emergency patient evaluation pose little risks of generating high-pressure steams of liquids. For medical staff performing such duties, the potential hazard comes from airborne droplets that may contain bacteria and viruses that are generated through coughs and sneezes.
The standard N95 respirator reduces the wearer’s exposure to particles including large droplets (non-aerosols only) and small aerosol droplets. It filters out 95% of airborne particles including small and large particles.
Surgical N95 masks
Doctors and medical staff involved in the surgical procedure are exposed to high-velocity splashes, sprays, a splatter of body fluids, or blood while performing their duties. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of a surgical N95 mask for such people.
The surgical N95 mask provides the wearer protection from sprays of body fluids or other hazardous liquids. It also protects the wearer from large droplets and respiratory emissions from the patient. Besides offering the wearer respiratory protection, the surgical N95 respirators also contain expelled particulates.
Approval Standard for N95 masks
During N95 mask bulk purchase, you need to pay attention to the approval standard for N95 masks. Here are the approval standard followed by different countries for N95 masks.
· GB2626-2006 – it is the approval standard followed by China for Non-powered air-purifying particle respiratory masks.
· EN149: 2001 – it is European standard followed for Filtering half masks to protect against particles.
· NIOSH N95 – it is the US approval standard for Non-Powered Air Purifying Particulate Respirator.
· AS/NZS 1716 – it is the approval standard specified by Australia and New Zealand for respiratory protective devices.
The manufacturer mentions the approval standard followed for the N95 masks. You need to check the country of manufacturing and check the approval standard mentioned on the packaging or the product to ascertain the genuineness of the N95 masks you are purchasing.
NIOSH- certified license manufacturers
Only NIOSH certified license manufacturers are permitted to manufacture N95 masks. You need to check the list of manufacturers certified by NIOSH for licensed manufacturing of the N95 masks. If the name of the manufacturer on the N95 mask does not appear in the NIOSH certified licensed manufacturer list, the lot of N95 masks you are purchasing may not be genuine.
Typical markings on genuine N95 masks
Most markings on the N95 mask are printed on the face region of the mask. A genuine N95 mask will have the following markings.
· The N95 masks will have a TC-approval number
· The masks mention NIOSH filter series ( in this case N95) followed by alpha-numeric rating followed by filter efficiency level( e.g. N95)
· The NIOSH name in block letter or the NIOSH logo is imprinted on one of the sides of the face region of the mask
· On one side of the N95 mask, you should find the Lot number and the model number of the N95 mask
· The N95 mask will also mention the approval holder’s business name. You may see the registered trademark of the approved business holder name or an understandable abbreviation. If the product is privately labeled, you may see a private label name or logo instead of the approval business holder’s name.
A genuine N95 mask with NIOSH approval will have markings shown in red. The N95 mask may not have markings in black.
These are a few qualities that you should know before N95 mask bulk purchase. Do you’ve any questions?
What to Look for While Buying Girls Gym Bag
Most women these days lead exceedingly busy existences, and, so, having a no-fuss, fashionable girls gym bag is on par for the course. You can keep all your gym essentials in it and keep them well-organized in the different compartments. Along with offering this time-saving convenience, having a stylish bag will look good and make you feel better. You can get through the day without having to worry about the little details and will be able to stay focused on the big picture.
However, given that there are many types of gym bags available in the market, you might want to do your homework to be able to find the one that is perfect for you. Here are a few things you should look for when buying a girls’ gym bag:
Is it compact?
A compact bag is ideal for everyday use, especially if you need to commute to and from the gym on crowded public transport. Getting on a jam-packed bus or a train with a bulky gym bag can be a nightmare. You will inevitably end up annoying a lot of people because your bag will keep hitting them or pressing against them. Rather than kindling regular conflict in this manner, and increasing your stress levels, do get a gym bag that is easier to manage and carry.
Does it have customizable compartment options?
The interior of a girls gym bag is more important than its exterior. Check if you can adjust the interior compartments to better organize your things. Along with the main compartment for clothes, the bag should have slip pockets, padded compartments, zip compartments, and exterior holders and attachments. With these, you will be able to keep your food, water, toiletries, electronics, jewelry, money, keys, and other things well-separated, safe, and secure. Look for a gym bag with a bright inner lining as that will make your items stand out in the interior, and you will have an easier time fishing out what you need.
Does it have quick-release yoga mat attachments?
If you need to take a yoga mat along to your gym sessions, having a quick release yoga mat attachment is a must. The straps may be fixed or removable and will keep your mat well-secured. You won’t have to carry a separate bag for it, and you will have a much quicker time of removing and using it. Just make sure that the bag attachment allows you to carry the yoga mat in an upright position. That way, you can prevent it from knocking sideways into people or obstructing them as they move about you in public places.
Is it made of durable materials?
When purchasing a girls’ gym bag, make sure that it is made of durable materials like ballistic nylon and rustproof hardware and is well-stitched together. It will be better able to withstand regular exposure to the elements and the wear and tear that comes from daily use. You also want it to have a waterproof exterior to keep your things well-protected from the rain and to prevent the growth of mold. With proper and regular care, a durable gym bag might very well last you for years, even for an entire lifetime.
Is it easy to keep clean?
With your busy schedule, it’s a given that you don’t want to spend too much time tending to your gym bag. Fortunately, you won’t have to. Most nylon gym bags are odor-free, and you don’t have to be concerned about sweaty smells lingering in the interior. Also, most of them usually only need a quick wipe with a damp cloth to remove dirt and residue. If you think you are up to washing the bag with water and mild soap, however, check first that the bag is washable and that drenching the interior won’t ruin it.
A compact girls’ gym bag with customizable compartments will turn out to be a good, long-term investment. It will last you for years, thus saving you money on buying replacements. Additionally, by keeping everything well-organized, it will save you time and frustration in finding what you need. You will be able to focus more on what’s important and be motivated to stay in shape.
Can Knee Sleeves Help Reduce Pain from Injuries?

Support wear such as knee sleeves for runners and other sportspeople can make a considerable difference in reducing pain from existing or new injuries. It is not uncommon for athletes to sustain knee injuries in the course of their sporting activities, and the anatomically shaped knee sleeves can provide them with the necessary support, compression, and warmth to make a quicker recovery. However, for best results, you do need to pick the right knee sleeves.
Here’s what you need to know about finding knee sleeves to help reduce the pain from sporting injuries:
The knee sleeves must be of the right size
Most knee sleeves are of flexible, stretchable materials, and so you can tug and adjust them to an extent to fit snugly around your knee. However, you must pick a sleeve that is of the exact size of your knee or at least is in its close neighborhood. If it is too big, it will be loose and liable to slide down. If it is too tight, it could cut off your circulation and lead to more health problems. Look for comfortable knee sleeves for runners.
You can get accurate measurements by measuring the distance from your knee cap to four inches above on your thigh. You can then take the thigh circumference at that point, and compare that measurement with those on the manufacturer’s chart. Each manufacturer may have a different measurement chart, so you need to do this little exercise every time you buy new knee sleeves. From the chart, pick the knee sleeves that are the closest to your size.
The knee sleeves must be of the right thickness
Knee sleeves are available in 3 mm, 5 mm, and 7 mm thicknesses. The thicker the knee sleeve, the better the support you can expect to get. If you are into endurance sports and long-distance running, you may only need light protection to support your knees when your energy starts to flag. A 3 mm knee sleeve is perfect for that and will not hamper the smooth movements of your limbs. For more challenging activities like running marathons and doing gym workouts, you will do well to get 5 mm knee sleeves. On the other hand, you will require thicker knee sleeves for better support during heavy-duty sports activities like weightlifting. For those, get the 7 mm knee sleeves.
The knee sleeves must be of the right material
If you need to wear knee brace or sleeves, you are probably going to wear them for long hours or maybe even overnight. In that case, you want knee sleeves that are of breathable materials. The most common materials for knee sleeves are cotton and other fabrics, neoprene, and silicone. Many manufacturers now use 3D knitting technology to make knee sleeves that are softer and more stretchable and can offer additional support. These sleeves are also better at staying in place as they come equipped with silicone anti-slip waves and bands. You can wear them all day and all night or during intensive workouts, and the sleeves will remain dry, odorless, and comfortable.
The knee sleeves must offer the right protection
Depending on your support requirements, you can get knee sleeves in one to three plus protection levels. The level one designation is for mild to moderate support for pain relief while maintaining an active lifestyle. If you suffer from health conditions like tendinitis, bursitis, and arthritis, wearing a level one knee sleeve will help keep your limbs flexible.
The level two knee sleeves have supportive straps that you can tighten as needed. The straps make them somewhat inflexible, but you won’t be hampered too much in your movements. Get these sleeves if you suffer from chronic conditions, ligament issues, tendinitis, or sprains.
As the bulkier level, three sleeves come with hinges, you can expect better support for your joints. However, you will have limited movement. These sleeves are generally worn after surgeries to stabilize the knee, keep the joint warm and compressed, and speed up the recovery process.
By wearing the right knee sleeves, you can obtain pain relief from sporting and non-sporting injuries and get adequate joint support to facilitate your movements and aid with your speedy recovery.
How Does ECMO Machine Used to Save COVID-19 Patient’s Life?

In January 2020, the coronavirus was still relatively new, had only infected patients in Wuhan and the world had no clue how life would change drastically. Soon enough WHO declared the coronavirus disease as a public health emergency and released guidelines on how to go about managing patients who were infected by it.
COVID-19 is known to affect the lungs primarily while causing pneumonia, but multiple (if not all) patients also develop accurate respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) almost immediately. In order to treat patients with ARDS, WHO declared interim guidelines to give patients with refractory hypoxemia at tertiary healthcare centers that are equipped to provide extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
ECMO Machines?
ECMO, which is the abbreviation for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation is a specialized and very expensive form of treatment for patients with severe lung and heart failure. It effectively pumps (and oxygenates) blood outside the body in an effort to heal the patient when their lungs/heart are too inflamed or damaged. This resource-intensive machine is the ultimate form of life support. They are rather effective and have become even more famous since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
Are ECMO Machines Really the Solution?
There is evidence that patients on the ECMO machine recovered a lot better and faster when performed at specialized high-volume centers. Besides, the use of ECMO machines in ARDS has always been known to lower the potential risk of death, which is why its use right now only seems vital, what with more than 1,00,000 deaths worldwide.
But even with WHO backing up the requirement for ECMO machines to fight COVID-19, many medical experts are conflicted. Since there are many unknown factors on the virus itself, the criteria for the selection of patients that require ECMO is undetermined. Many say that it has a role in treating refractory hypoxemia, but this is still an assumption at best.
When Does a Patient Need the Help of an ECMO Machine?
Those who are known to have symptoms of coronavirus are expected to stay at home with social distancing as their #1 priority. Self-isolation should do the trick if you’re displaying mild symptoms of the disease. However, some people develop symptoms slightly more serious that “mild”- this may be breathing difficulty or severe wheezing. That’s when you know you have to call for medical help.
COVID-19 patients who display severe illness must be admitted to the hospital. There are various checks and tests the medical professionals will perform on you to consider the apt treatment option. Apart from the coronavirus test, they will first check your blood oxygen levels, which gives the doctor an idea of how well your lungs are working. The next one is a blood pressure test to make sure there’s no strain on the heart or vascular system.
Depending on the results, the doctor will put you on one of the 4 treatment stages (the most severe of which involves an ECMO machine).
• Basic Oxygen Therapy
If you’re breathless and struggling to get enough oxygen into your lungs and blood, the most basic form of treatment is oxygen therapy. This involves a mask fitted to your mouth as oxygen-filled air flows into your mouth to help you breathe better.
• Pressurized Oxygen Therapy
When the basic oxygen therapy is not quite enough, a more intensive form of therapy is required for oxygen to reach the patient’s bloodstream. In pressurized oxygen therapy, the patients remain conscious and are fitted with an air-tight mask as oxygen-enriched gas is given to them in a pressurized form. Also, doctors will keep a closer eye on you to check your vitals.
• Mechanical Ventilation
If the patient still has difficulty breathing, they may require the help of a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit. This is a rather invasive procedure that artificially pushes air in and out of your lungs. Patients do not stay conscious of this method of oxygenation. A tube is often inserted into the patient’s mouth or a surgically created hole in the neck which goes down their windpipe. Since it also removes the carbon dioxide from the lungs, it is referred to as “ventilation”. This machine has been very effective for patients fighting extreme cases of COVID-19.
• Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
When the patient’s lungs are too inflamed or damaged for a mechanical ventilator, it’s time for them to adapt ECMO to get enough oxygen into their blood. An ECMO machine is used in such cases and is the most aggressive form of life support. It is often referred to as the “last resort” for patients suffering from COVID-19.
Pros and Cons of Oral Dental Implant Procedure
Dental implants are metal (titanium) posts or frames that support artificial teeth. The procedure is gaining wider popularity due to the many advantages it offers. You may, however, want to have proper information about dental implants before seeking the treatment.
Consider the pros and cons of the oral dental implant procedure.
Pros –
Look Natural
Dental implants look completely natural. Unlike other teeth replacement options, it is not possible to identify dental implants just by looking at them. If the dental implant procedure is performed well, you can enjoy the aesthetics of artificial teeth without any issues.
You can find experienced dentists in your area offering dental implant procedure via online searches. Use keywords with your location such as dental implants McLean or something on these lines. Check the experience of the dentist in offering the dental implant procedure and accordingly choose one.
Restores Chewing and Speech Perfectly
Dental implants also mimic the abilities of natural teeth. In time, you won’t feel any different from the way you are able to speak or chew post your dental implant procedure. You will be able to adjust your speech and chewing without even any initial difficulty.
Strong and Long-Lasting
The dental implant procedure not only restores the teeth but also the roots. The metal posts are fused with the jawbone; offering a robust framework for artificial teeth. Titanium is a strong metal and offers further strength to the artificial dental roots. Dental implants, thus, last for years down the line. In some instances, you won’t ever need to undergo the procedure on the same tooth.
Protects Adjacent Teeth
Unlike dentures and bridges, dental implants rather protect the bones. The dental implant procedure doesn’t require making space for the artificial teeth by removing nearby healthy teeth. So, you can keep the nearby healthy teeth safe and protected.
Protects Jawbone
Implants fuse with the bone and thus help prevent bone loss. When the artificial teeth are placed over the implant, the pressure is akin to the pressure applied to the jawbone by natural teeth. The pressure helps to stimulate dental tissues and strengthen the jaw. So, there is no risk of bone tissue absorption with a dental implant procedure.
Works on Multiple Teeth
You can restore one or more teeth with dental implants. The procedure can be performed for each individual tooth you need to replace – at the same or different times throughout your lifetime.
Cons –
Lengthy Procedure
The dental implant procedure can be a bit lengthier than other teeth replacement options such as bridges or dentures. The procedure may require a bit more time if you do not have sufficient bone to support the implants. In that case, your dentist will need to perform a bone graft before the dental implant procedure.
There can be a need for additional healing time for the bones before the dental implant procedure can begin. You may need several other additional procedures depending on your oral health. These procedures can be implanted site development and sinus lift augmentation. Your dentist will explain the need for such procedures before you decide on the dental implant treatment.
Not every patient requires these additional treatments. These additional treatments (if needed by you) may boost the success of your dental implant procedure.
Initial Higher Cost
The initial cost of dental implants can be higher when compared with the cost of dentures and bridges. But you don’t require replacing them every few years like dentures and bridges; so you can offset the cost in due time. Most patients never need to replace the dental implants. So, the actual cost for the teeth replacement procedure can be quite economical in the long run.
The dental implant procedure can be quite extensive. It requires precision work as your dentist needs to work on the jawbone, roots, and artificial teeth. The risk of infection post the treatment is more if the procedure is performed by inexperienced dentists. But infections can occur due to other reasons too.
Infections can occur between the implant and the bone. Infections can also occur beneath the crown. But such infections are rare. If the infection occurs for any reason, your dentist can treat it easily with simple procedures and medicines.