Five Tips To Prevent Yeast Infections

When the healthy yeast inside your vagina tends to grow uncontrollably, it causes vaginal yeast infection. The medical name for this condition happens to be candidiasis, as the reason behind this occurrence is the candida yeast.

Contracting yeast infection can be quite unpleasant. But you can avoid it with the help of these five preventive tips.

Indulge In Food With Probiotics

Probiotics are known as good bacteria that help to build up a healthy immunity system. Once you eat food rich in probiotics, it helps prevent yeast infection. One example of probiotic-based food is yogurt. It contains lactobacillus acidophilus. These particular bacteria help maintain a healthy PH value while encouraging the growth of beneficial microbiology in our bodies.

Though it is not certain that eating yogurt can prevent yeast infection, it definitely helps maintain overall vaginal health. Hence one must eat a small cup of yogurt (unsweetened) every day to increase the dosage of extra good bacteria in your body. It is also important to note that adding sugar to your yogurt can actually encourage the growth of candida while putting you at risk of getting a Fluconazole yeast infection.

Eat Smart

There are different kinds of foods that increase the risk of yeast infection. Commonly processed sugar, grains, and gluten-based foods are liable for the situation. Hence one needs to stay away from starchy vegetables, including carrots, potatoes, and even meat to avoid a yeast infection. Sometimes excessive consumption of alcohol can also attract the problem.

As you restrict the consumption of these foods and drinks, you would be able to prevent yeast infection. Preventing these foods can also avoid potential health issues, including dizziness, and fatigue, and help maintain your overall health.

Wear Natural Fabrics

The easiest way to prevent yeast infection is to keep your feminine parts dry as possible. The infection-causing bacteria, Candida Albicans, strive mostly in moist and humid environments. To prevent the bacteria from multiplying and growing the problem, it is crucial that you keep your intimate areas dry. The best way to do this is to wear underwear made of natural materials, including cotton and silk. These materials help to reduce moisture retention. It is also crucial that you avoid wearing tight-fitting outfits like leggings.

These are known to build up heat and moisture that increases the chance of yeast infection. Avoiding synthetic materials like nylon would be the best decision to prevent yeast infection.

Avoid Scented Intimate Products

It is yet another way how one can prevent yeast infection. When you start maintaining your vaginal health by avoiding intimate products containing artificial chemicals, you keep yeast infection at bay. Make sure that you avoid scented feminine hygiene products, including spray, tampons, and pads. These products can dry out the sensitive tissues and irritate the skin around your vagina.

When the skin tends to dry up, you are actually at risk of Fluconazole yeast infection. In addition to that, make sure you avoid scented creams, body soaps, and other products. Especially when you have to take care of your vaginal hygiene, you need to keep it simple.

Keep Your Parts Clean

The most obvious and best way to avoid yeast infection is to keep your vagina clean. It becomes necessary that you clean your vagina regularly. In addition to that, you must never indulge in douching as it tends to irritate the skin while causing an imbalance in the vagina. Apart from that, pay close attention to the inner vaginal areas as it is the spot where the yeast accumulates and grows.

If you go to the gym or swim regularly, you must change your clothes as soon as you get home. A little bit of hygiene and self-care can push away the infection.

When you get infected by a yeast infection, you will notice foul-smelling greenish to yellow vaginal discharge accompanied by a burning sensation during intercourse and urination, swelling and redness of the vulva, and itchiness in the vaginal area.

As you follow these tips, you will be able to prevent the problem of yeast infections. Also, if you suspect any infection, make sure that you visit the doctor without wasting time.